You're probably wondering how we did it
Health can be confusing & difficult enough on its own... but that's why we made you the most delicious & most nutritiously dense cookie dough. Ever.
Glycemic load is a key indicator of how your blood sugar will respond to what you eat—which directly affects how you feel! Foods with a high glycemic load cause a rapid spike in blood sugar, leading to a crash that leaves you feeling drained.
Our cookie dough is different. It provides a steady, sustained release of energy, making it a great choice—even for breakfast—to keep you feeling your best throughout the day.
a nutrient-rich supergrain that’s been transforming lives forever. Einkorn has a lower GI than steel cut oats & even a number of fruits.
Read more about all of its superfood qualities in the graphics.
Our cookie dough rivals the macronutrient profile of "macro bars" or "protein cookies" all while using the cleanest ingredients & tasting truly indulgent. It has been specially designed to have a softer impact on your blood sugar than most breakfasts or health foods.
Our cookie dough isn't the same as the stuff you can buy in the stores now, or the stuff your mom used to make, but it tastes better than you can imagine.
Einkorn is naturally rich in Beta-Carotene (the same stuff that makes carrots bright orange) & we use the whole grain! This makes the dough & cookies much darker and orange in hue.
This color can also be noticed in the taste; once you taste the rich depth of flavor of freshly milled Einkorn, all the other stuff will start tasting really bland.
As we recommend storing your dough cold for maximum freshness, leaving the dough out or taking it on an adventure with you will not spoil it quickly. As there are no eggs or dairy involved, it is much more stable than traditional cookie dough.
We enjoy letting the dough sit out to soften up for a minute before scooping (but sometimes we can't wait). Be careful though - the soft, scoopable dough becomes dangerously easy to keep eating...
Yes, some separation is natural & should still be fine.
Coconut oil starts to melt at about 76 degrees and will start to separate from the dough. The yellow tint comes from all the rich color that then stains the oil (coconut nectar, molasses, maple syrup).
We eat the dough constantly; that's why we love it so much & want to share it with you!
It makes a great on-the-go breakfast, an exciting edition to a nice brunch, the perfect pre-workout, a stellar way to break your fast, a scoop as a snack any time of day to keep the energy levels high, the best way to end the day.
We've done cookie dough carpaccio, cookie crisp cereal, a topper to some yogurt, & always the best served warm with some fresh vanilla ice cream.
We want to know how you dough, so make sure you share it with us how you like it!